Preliminary Video Task

Preliminary Task: Planning 1

Length of Preliminary Video:
3 minutes

My situation is going to be a prank where a man thinks he is having a genuine interview for a sales advisor job but is secretly getting pranked for a TV show called ‘The Pranker’. The actor on who plays the employer giving the interview asks the interviewee abnormal questions which are irrelevant to do with the job interview. The main objective for this TV show is that the interviewee gets fooled by the prank.

Casting Notes:
Director/ Producer/ Cameraman/ Script Writer/ Editor
Dale Stewart:
Because it is my task so I must produce, direct, edit and write the script and I chose to be the cameraman because I can have the camera positioned the way I want.
Employer Actor
Daniel Ashfield:
I chose Daniel to be my employer/interviewer because he is a natural actor and have GCSE and A-level grades for drama. He is also a humorous person so I think he is perfect for this role.
Jonathan Mahon Daly:
I chose Jon as my interviewee because he is confident in front of the camera and is also very funny but serious. Although he didn’t take GCSE or A-level drama, he is also very good at acting and can play the unexpected role of the interviewee perfectly.

Location Report:
My ideal location for this would be a medium sized room with no windows, a table and two chairs. It has to look secluded and has to look like an office. I have no where like that in my house or any of my friend’s houses so I could ask to use a teacher’s office to film this interview but that would require ion school time which would be difficult.

Script and Stage Directions:
Camera focuses on door as Daniel (employee) watches. Jon (interviewee) opens the door and walks into the room. They both smile and shake hands.

Daniel: Hi there, I’m Daniel. If you would like to take a seat.

He walks towards the table as Jon follows as camera tracks. Camera zooms into Daniel’s face into a medium close up as he fiddles with Jon’s CV and looks at it reading aloud.

Daniel: So you haven’t had any experience before?

Camera switches to Jon at medium close up and continues to switch to whoever is speaking.

Jon: Except for work experience.
Daniel: Yes, can you tell me a bit about your work experience? Like what did you do, how did you find it?
Jon: of course, well I stocked shelves at the back and cleaned around the place…

Jon goes off speaking about his work experience and after a few seconds the camera switches to Daniel and he is nodding and smiling the suddenly interrupts him saying:

Daniel: Can you do 10 pushups?

Jon looks confused and frowns.

Jon: I don’t quite understand
Daniel: You know, 10 pushups, 9 + 1...

Camera switches to Jon who stares with a quizzed look etched on his face. Camera continues to flick through the blank faces…

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