Preliminary Video Plan 2

Preliminary Task : Planning 2

Length of Preliminary Video:
2 Minutes

A news report where the news interviewer interviews a man who is distressed about a local leisure centre being broke down and is campaigning for its survival and she interviews him and asks him multiple questions about how he feels and so on. While this interview is going on, a man is in the background doing funny and stupid things. He has clearly not been on camera before and relishes the chance to finally be on TV. He does a number of silly and humorous things in the background of the interview and he uses a number of different props.

Casting Notes:
Director/ Producer/ Cameraman/ Script Writer/ Editor
Dale Stewart:
Because it is my task so I must produce, direct, edit and write the script and I chose to be the cameraman because I can have the camera positioned the way I want.
News Interviewer
Samantha Street:
I chose Samantha because she is very formal, polite and fits being a serious news reporter. I think she will be very good as a news reporter.
Trey Dunbar:
I chose Trey because he is a very normal guy and is also very funny but also very serious. As a normal man campaigning to keep the leisure centre up, this man ought to be very serious while also being funny but as if he didn’t mean to be funny. This is how I see Trey so I think he will fit the role perfectly. Also, Trey loves the camera.
Background Guy
Daniel Ashfield:
I chose Daniel because he is naturally funny and humorous and can perform different gestures at extremely high funny levels. He is also over the top, over exaggerated and a natural actor.

Location Report:
The Meadway Leisure centre or Rivermead in Reading would be ideal as I would like to film it at an actual leisure centre to make it really authentic. So I will probably film it at The Meadway Leisure Centre because it is close to everyone.

Script and Stage Directions:
Camera starts on Samantha (news reporter) at a medium close up and she addresses what is happening to the camera

Samantha: Good evening, I am Samantha at Prospect news and just behind me is the local Reading leisure centre which is set to be brought down in two weeks time. The council insists that the leisure centre is not being used regularly and that the space could be used for better things. New flats are planned to be built at the start of next fall. But this decision has caused major upsets across the town who suggest that the council have got their statistics wrong as many people do use the leisure centre. Here we have with us, Trey who is a campaigner against the destruction of the leisure centre who is here to discuss his point of view.

Camera turns as Samantha turns towards Trey (campaigner) who was stood just out of camera view. Camera is still on medium close up with both people in view.

Samantha: Hi there, Trey
Trey: Hi
Samantha: So can you tell me what your view of this is.

In the background, a person is walking past (Daniel) and he notices the camera. He smiles and starts to wave his arms and do different gestures whilst simultaneously, the interview continues.

Trey: Well, I think it is utterly ridiculous. Many people, like me, use the leisure centre on a regular occasion and leisure is very important to the lifestyle of many people living here. Their statistics are wrong because there are a lot of people who attend the leisure centre and have memberships.

Daniel continues to do funny things in the background. He starts to use props such as a Scottish mask and Viking helmet and starts dancing in the background.

Samantha: And what can you tell me on the council’s plans about building flats in its place.
Trey: It’s preposterous. We already have enough flats around anyway, flats are being built everywhere all the time. There is no other leisure centre around locally while there are loads of flats. It is unfair and selfish to the company and its customers as we are left with nothing.
Samantha: What will you do to stop the leisure centre from being brought down?
Trey: One thing’s for sure, we will not give up. We will continue to protest and stand for our rights. Shouldn’t we have a choice on what we pay our taxes for, we don’t want the flats, we want our leisure centre and we won’t stop until justice is served correctly.
Samantha: Thank you, Trey.
Trey: Thank you

Camera then turns back to Samantha and Daniel follows the cameras track and view continuing to do silly things.

Samantha: Well, as you can see, it has clearly distressed a number of people but the council just doesn’t seem to be listening. How much more pressure will the council take from these protests or will they continue to ignore. Samantha Street, Prospect News.

Daniel waves goodbye in the background.

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